Topic: Meeting Cousins; Cemetery Walk
Topic: Meeting Cousins Title: Cousin Martha, Ozzie,
& non cousin Janet :)
Ozzie got back in touch this week; she's still really busy. She knows the details on Mathias' immigration.
She says she has the microfilm with him listed...now I just need to catch her at a time when she can tell me what NAME he
was listed under...I've tried Ficker, Fuecker, F@cker (Yes, there were some listed!) Vuecker, Fuger, and every combination of the above I can think of and haven't found the ship
he sailed on, or what port it put into...so waiting on information from a very busy lady :) But at least I have hope...
She also said that she has pictures of the family that I don't have, I can't wait to see them. I've already
promised Susan Duoblys any pictures of her granddad (my grandfather's brother Clark) that I can find...I wonder what Ozzie
will trade for? *evil grin* Seriously, I love putting faces to these 'names' in the file...it makes them so much more like
'real' people.
Janet Warter, who has a HUGE file of Cambria County, PA residents and their family lines out on rootsweb
got back ahold of me too. She's not related to the Kost family I'm researching, but to the Kost family back in Bittelbronn,
Germany so when she was looking into the records of the parish, she lined out the information and others have added to it
since. It sounds like a true collaborative effort! (Yay, it does work!)
And I heard from cousin Marth again. She sent another picture; this time of Clemens Kost Jr. who was my
great grandfather's cousin...boy it sure looks like my brother! LOL Maybe that picture on the Lost sheep page is Stephen and
Laura after all. I have another picture of them somewhere in grandma's box I haven't been able to scan yet. They are MUCH
older and from what I remember, Stephen looks remarkably like the picture Marth sent of John Domonic Fuecker (his father).
In that picture, Laura has gone totally white if memory serves, so I don't know if we'll be able to tell.
We'll have to see...
Happy digging everyone, Sondra :)
Topic: Meeting Cousins Title: Cousin Martha
The only thing more exciting than my first confirmed contact with my Minnesota family, emailing Dave Fuecker
at his university and being directed to his father, who was named after MY grandfather! is meeting other cousins who are researchers
looking into the same things! I met Ozzie first through email...she's very tied up right now, but recently another 'cousin'
doing research has gotten ahold of me!
That was today....Martha Nelson wrote me a wonderful email introducing herself as one of my 'cousins checking
in' LOL (She's a third cousin once removed, for those who care about that stuff...hmm...maybe I'm becoming more Hobbit-like
in my old age after all...)
Marth sent me the information she has and the sources for Theodora Kost and John D. Fuecker. Her sources
were alot of the same ones I'd checked, but she had a few pieces of information I didn't. So I gleefully spent a few hours
entering a source notation for her that listed all HER sources. LOL I don't know if that's the way most people do it or not,
but I figure this way, I know WHY she decided what she did and as I check sources I add my own notation. It works for me anyway...a
'real' genealogist would probably hate it! :)
I was also excited to receive a picture of John Domonic Fuecker taken from a larger group shot from her
that I'll post in the family photo album....hmm...maybe I can talk her into a scan of the whole picture as well? (whine...whine...I
promise I give photo credits...really!)
It was so nice to 'meet' another cousin...this time on MY side of the family! LOL
Take care all, Sondra
Topic: Cemetery Walk Title: Miller Cemetery in Millersburg, OR
Me with my children on our first Cemetery Walk |

Genealogy is a family Affair! |
Hubby came along too! |

Besides, they were his relatives! |
I entered more detail about this on the Prowett site, since they were all HIS relatives! *grin*
Rick and I needed to head south to Salem today to visit our storage units down there...(yes they are still
there after 6 years, can't seem to get the energy to sort through the stuff from the 2600 sqft house we are now hosting in
a 900 sqft apartment and 2 garages and 2 storage units *grin* or should that be *grim*?)
Anyway, I talked the sweetheart into going about 20 or 30 miles further south and taking in a cemetery or
two with me *evil grin* *even more evil laughter* We drove to Millersburg which is just this side
of Albany and found Miller cemetery without a problem.
I posed the family in front of the tombstones to prove that, yes, we REALLY did that!
Created by: S. Miller-Prowett 9/2004
Updated 8/2007